More Than a Diagnosis: Stories of Hurdles, Hope, and Possibility from Parents of Children Who Are Differently-Abled by Jessica Burdg.
A compilation of sixteen poignant profiles from Jessica's ongoing blog series, “Stories of Hope.”
Parents share their most painful moments as well as their triumphs, big and small, from the front lines of their living rooms, schools, and doctor’s offices.
Included are stories of families whose children have conditions like autism, ADHD, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, rare genetic conditions, traumatic brain injuries, or others.
There’s no sugar-coating it; Jessica's hope is that you find solace, recognition, and inspiration in their accounts.
Jessica Burdg is a writer with a passion for personal narratives, creative nonfiction, and poetry. Her essays and articles have been featured in multiple magazines and anthologies, and her essay on mental health was a finalist for the 2019 Conger J. Beasley Jr. Award for Nonfiction.